Sunday, March 7, 2010

Focus, Focus, Focus

I’m back home after spending some days at my mom’s house. Mom has been busy with her sewing, but I have been busy weaving. The result was six new rugs for my house. It’s always nice to spend some days with my mom. Her sewing room is packed with fabrics, patterns, projects and plans.  You can visit her blog here   .


This week I need to focus really hard! I have to finish papers for my upcoming class. Also I have to work on instructions for my new pattern. It seem like this coming week is going to be a computer working week.


I know at least one little guy who will keep me company while working. He is training to be a big hunter. He hunts paper in my printer. Here you can see him lying on top just waiting for something to happen.

Hugs from Nancy


May Britt said...

Så fine matter det blir.Og ser ut til at pusen koser seg inne på syrommet sammen med deg.

Anne-Grethe said...

Nytt mønster sier du? Spennende. Ser ut som du og din mor har hatt skikkelig kvalitetstid sammen. Flotte resultater hos begge.

AMIT said...

So you enjoyed at ur mom's home.

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Meta said...

Flott blogg du har!:) Kommer mer enn gjerne innom igjen.

Ønsker deg en herlig og kreativ helg.:)