Friday, July 18, 2008

Give Away - 1 year anniversery in bloggerland

10th of July 2007 I made my first post. I did not forget the date, but had so much going on with my birthday. My plan was a give away as an anniversery gift. I have made a random drawing of comments made during this 12 months. I picked month: November (2007). Date of my post: 9th. So, November 9th 2007 this made coments on my blog: Linda, Sølvi, Elin, Sigrun, Thimbleanna, Hanne, May Britt and Suze. The clue here is that you all have to comment to this post and tell me a very good/ original reason why I should pick you. Be creativ and have fun. You can win this draw-string-bag. It's small size ment to carry your coffee og tea-cup to your quiltmeeting e.c.

Keep in touch and see what happens!!

Hugs from Nancy


May Britt said...

Happy blogiversary!!!

Of course you should pick me!!!! Because I got you into blogging. Or perhaps that's a reason not to have it LOL LOL

Just kidding.....know you're having fun in the blogworld.

Hanne said...

Happy Blogiversary Nancy !

Why you should pick me ??

First - I love red
Second - I love stitchery
Third - I Need a new tote for my tea cup
Fourth - I can be pretty nice - hmmm - can I really ?? hehehe
Fifth - I love a giveaway :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations :)
I have been reading your blog awhile. And the reasons you should pick me:
*I like red
*I always want to drink my coffee from the newest cup, so I better carry it with me ;)
* I like stitcheries

Sølvis blog said...

Hei Nancy. Jeg synes du så så "spers" ut på bildet fra 50-årsdagen din -er du sikker på at det ikke var 30 du ble? Aner du ikke hva spers er? Chick da?
Og så er jo rødt en knallflott farve da, så jeg er gjerne med i trekninga.

Thimbleanna said...

Haha -- how fun! First of all, Happy Blogiversary! Naturally, you should pick me 'cause my plea will be the most unoriginal 'cause Hanne took all my answers. Oh, and you should pick me 'cause I can't read Solvi's comment to copy that too LOL!

Sigrun said...

Gratulerer med blogg jubileum. Det er altid veldig hyggelig å lese i bloggen din, den gir masse inspirasjon. Selvfølgelig vil jeg gjerne være med i trekningen:-)). Hvorfor skal du velge meg? Fordi jeg er en ivrig beundrer av dine arbeider og setter stor pris på at du deler din kunnskap med andre.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary, very cute mug bag.

Well now Hanne's taken all the good answers, but I'll repeat them anyway.
I love red,
I love stitchery
I love a cuppa tea
I need a bag to carry my mug
I love giveaways
And last of all someone has to win, why not

Elin said...

Happy Blogiversary! This is fun, isn't it?

Anne Ida said...

Hey! Happy blogiversary! And a belated happy birthday!!! From what May Britt told us you had a ball!

Why should you pick me? The bag is gorgeous and I'd love to be the proud owner of it! ...not very imaginative, is it?? *lol*

Keep on blogging - I enjoy reading you! Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!!!!

What a lovely bag! I think you should pick me because......
I would like to be the proud new owner of a cup bag........
The stitchery is lovely....
I have just come across your blog...
I live in New Zealand and it would be nice to get a parcel from somewhere overseas so exciting...
Because I'm ME!
Hope you find time to do a little stitching every day!

Karen C said...

I am no more special than any of your other comment leavers and like the others i love the mug bag you have no doubt lovingly put together. You don't have to select me but it would put a big smile on my face if you did. Happy Stitching. xoxo

anne said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary****

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Please oh Please pick me
As I would love a tea cup bag from you.
As I love redwork tooooo.
As I love red fabbie just like you.
And I wish you a very happy aniversary to.

Happy Stitching

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary!

This is the first time I take part in a giveaway and I never won something from Norway, isn´t that a reason to pick me?

KicsiKató said...

Why to pick me? Because I would be really-really happy with this cute bag! And you know, it's good to give:)))

Happy blogiversary!!!

Carin said...

Happy blogoverary! I hope I am not to late too add my name to the drawing! HUGS! Carin

Monika said...

Go morgen
Grattis med 1 år i bloggland
Det er eit fine blogg du har :)
du lagar SÅ mye fint - og eg er så glad i syveska mi - som er med overalt
Det var SÅ koselig å hilse på deg i ålesund - også bilturen etterpå - der du fikk sett litt av byen
Smil fra monika

Anonymous said...

A good reason to pick me? Well, I never, never, won anything! And the cup bag is gorgeous!
Happy blogiversary!

martimez said...

I'd like very much your cute giveaway!
Márta from Hungary

Lise in Norway said...

Happy Blogiversary !
Why me?

Because it would be fun to win a give away, I really like the tote you made,and it had been fun to be one of those that got a present in the mailbox insted of all these bill you know and because I only drink tea and it would be nice haveing my cup in this nice peace of work. Most because its me and you dont know me LOL

Helz said...

Happy Blogoversary Nancy !!! My Original Because... is My Mug's need to arrive in style @ our Stitcher's Gathering's...... LOL.