You can win one of these lamb bottle covers.
1. Leave a comment on my blog
2. Post this give-away on your blog link to my blog.
3. In this post you also have to tell a special Easter story. Could be what you like to cook for Easter, special decoration, something you made (sewn, knitted, crafted). Just a few lines with photo please. I would like the see what you are talking about :-)
This give-away will close at Manday 13. at midnight Norwegian time.
Three winners will be picked and announsed next day.
Happy Easter
Hugs from Nancy
Hello, I'm Kristina from Sweden. I love your bottle covers and since I collect sheep I just can't resist the chance to win one! Every year for easter I sew a new hen, yes I love hens too. In my webshot there are photos of a few of them.
Hej. Vilka underbara flaskgömmor du har sytt! Jag vill gärna vara med och vinna en :-). Mitt bästa påskminne är från påsken 2007. Då var vår för tidigt födde son 1 månad gammal och vi lade honom i ett påskägg, fotade och skickade som påskhälsning från sjukhuset till alla vänner och bekanta
2008 fick vi son nummer två strax efter påsk! Kram
Oh, aren't they cute! And little lambies -- just perfect for Easter. Happy Easter Nancy!
Hi I Love giveaways and this one is very special. Pls pop me in the draw.
Oh, this is a nice idea!
My waterbottle would like much nicer on my desk with such a lamb!
Thank you and have a happy easter!
Susuko from Berlin, Germany.
Hello, Nancy, me again.
For this easter I made a little wallhanging (look in my blog)
and today I tried a new recipe, which I wanted for years: Hot cross buns, but I made not Buns but a long bread. Look at my blog for pics.
Thank you and bye!
The bottle covers are adorable! Such a creative idea!
I don't qualify for the give-away,no blog,etc. Just wanted to say your bottle covers are so cute!
Hello ... Sandy from WV here. This year we stepped out of tradition ... we had a cook out for Easter. Love it and plan to do it for more 'winter' holidays.
Adorable bottle covers.
Hi Nancy! That is very nice of you to part with such beautiful water covers. I drink only water every day and would love to win one of your prized covers to show off!!! It is nice of you to share of your self, thank you. I am Carol from Connecticut. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!!!
Nu är jag nog ute i sista minuten såg denna giveaway precis.Vilka härliga flaskgömmor.
Det bästa med påsken är all vårtecken som dyker upp.Plus att jag får plocka fram min häxa som en kompis mamma har gjort.
Och så klart allt godis som man inte bör aät.
LÄnk till lite påskbilder jag precis tagit.
Har inte hunnit lägga upp en länk på min blog .
kram från Ankie i Sverige
Hej igen
Nu har jag lagt upp länken på min blog i sista minuten.
Håper du har hatt en flott påske. Og de flaskeskjulerne dine er så stilige :)Kanskje lurt å gi giveawayen er par dager til så folk får kommet seg ned fra påskefjellet og på nett.
Fint du har forlenget fristen :-)
Så flotte flaskelam du har laget, håper å bli en av de heldige. En av tingene som er koselige er å ta fram all påskepynten man selv eller ungene har laget. Skulle gjerne lagt ved et bilde, men er ikke helt sikker på hvordan............
Ha en fornøyelig trekning :-)
Flotte flaskeskjulere du har sydd. Eg vil gjerne vera med i trekkinga av disse. Helsing Jofrid:)
wow those are reallly cute!!perfect for easter!!
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