Do you need to make a last minut gift?
1. Make heart plastic templet.
2. Pic nice fabric for hearts. Put fabric right side together.
3. Lay plastic templet on wrong side of fabric and draw around templet.
4. Put cotton batting underneath the two layers of fabric.

5. Go to your sewingmachine. Put stitchlenght to 2 (small stitches). Sew in drawingline. Leave one inch opening for turning right side out.
6. Other side of the work (side with batting) looks like this.
7. Trim away batting close to stitchingline.
8. Put batting on drawingside (to get batting on both sides).

9. Lay new batting down (stitched batting up to see where to sew). Stitch on top of first seam.
10. Don't forget the 0ne inch opening.
11. Trim away all batting close to stitching line.
12. Trim fabric to 1/4 inch seamallowens. Leave extra fabric around opening for turning.
13. Make 3 cuts in seam where the heart goes into a Vally point.
14. Turn heart right side out with your favorit tool. Mine is a wooden chop stick.

15. Forgot to buy batting to fill heart? Use leftovers batting cuts.
16. Put batting on your cuttingmat. Run your rotary cutter back and forth lenghtwise and crosswise to make small pieces.
17. Too bulky? Press batting down with a ruler. Watch your fingers!!
18. Use your favorite tool to stuff heart. Add ribbon and bow if desired.

To make nice Cristmas aromatic heart. Mix hole cloves, canel, dried ginger and dried orangepeel. Crush slightly and put in the middle of heart.
Have fun!