My absent from my blog have many reasons. I don't really need to go in to it all, but pneumonia, fractured rib and wedding might explain a bit. Yes, DS1 married his girlfriend mid February. Not on Valentines Day, but the day before. They married on their 10th anniversary as sweetharts.
My quilting muse got a bit lost i all the happenings, but now I'm back on track (I think). I have in the past months finished a few projects.
This quilt is a belated birthday gift for DS1 and his girl. They spent 3 weeks in April 2010 traveling Japan. I finished the quilt before I knew they planned to marry in February.
My oldest SIL had her 70th birthday in December. I made this quilt for her.
Most of all I have enjoyed the company of Gizmo and Zappa through my health issues.