Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year

Monday, December 29, 2008
Holiday thoughts

I have not done any sewing since I finished last christmas presents. This is the bag I made for MIL for her to keep all her medicines and creams in.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Cats also get presents for Christmas. This year I made to types of balls for both cats. The one with name on have a bag of Cat nip herbs inside. The other one have a ball with a bell inside.
Enjoy the holidays.
Hugs from Nancy
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Advent - preparing for Christmas
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Advent - preparing for Christmas
I've told about my mom and I exchanging Advent calender gifts. This is my Advent calender befor I started opening. Some of the gifts are soft and some are hard SMILE
Hugs from Nancy
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Advent - preparing for Christmas
My camera is acting up on me! I am no great photographer and my camera is Canon Ixux 500 TI. For no reason I know of the memory card will not delever photos to my laptop, nor show photos on the camera. The display say memory card is locked. What is going on?? Anybody who can give me a clue?
Lucky I had an old memory card laying around, but it's very limited. We had our Christmas meeting in our local quiltgroup on Wednesday. A lot of nice food, chat and , of cause, show and tell. I fiddled a lot to get my camera working so I just took a few photos.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Advent fun
Yesterday I got two fat envelopes in my mailbox. I am a lucky girl. May Britt and Hanne sent me gifts.
Advent gifts for every saturday and sunday. As you can see, henging ready to be opend one by one.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Advent Callender
Baby blanket for a girl
Time to prepare for Advent. Mom and I have a tradition to make small gifts for each other for every day from December 1. through December 24. like an Advent callender. This is actualy a kid thing, but is fun to be playfull as grown up too.
Hugs from Nancy
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Teddy Bears

Hugs from Nancy
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Visit at my mom's.
My mom is the white haired lady in front. Study the glasses! This is just to creepy! I have bought accactly same frame for my glasses as my mom.
For this meeting we all got a paperbag with precuts to make this felt heart.
Show and Tell is my favorit part of a meeting. This ladies had a lot of beautiful things to show. This is a quilt with applique of flowers put together with squares of earth colours. The quilt is quiltet in six parts and put together after quilting. Kind of Quilt as you go metod.
One of the ladies had made this Advent calender from a pattert made by a Norwegian designer called AnnaKa.An other lady had used the same pattern to make "BlÄnisser" for her grandchild. As you can see, wip.
This is a beautifull book cover for a bindfolder. I love this one.
Several ladies had made bags, but this one was just beautiful. All handmade from a japaneese magazine. I asked if she knew japaneese language!! Hi hi hi. I have made a bag from a japaneese magazine too. The illustrations are really good!!
Baby quilts in half square triangles with a center heart. Beautiful colour combinations for boy and girl.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I have startet stitching. Today Bea posted a new block. I wonder how many blocks she have made. Take a look at her blog to se all the different ways to do the blocks. Different thread colours, different fabric colours even multicoloured stitcheries. So inspireing.

Hugs from Nancy
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Some quilty things....
The second top have blocks set on point with grey sashing and I used the half blocks I allready made. This top is smaller that the first one and need to grow to be a desent size lap quilt. What about a red 2 inch border, then a row of four patches and a border about four inches to finish? Please help me out! My scrap bin is full so I can make any scrappy border.
Long time - no see. SMILE
DS and DIL cooking in the kitchen. She made fish'n chips and pumpkinpie from scratch. Delicious. DIL is a good cook.
I wish them all the best in their new home.
Hugs from Nancy
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My latest completed projects
Stay in touch. There will be a give-away in November.
Hugs from Nancy
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Weekend happenings
This is some of the things I have made for sale.
Anita have more photos from the exhibition showing some of the beautifull quilts displayed. Visit her blog to se more.
Hugs from Nancy
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Pink October, new bag and Quiltshow
This comming week end our local group, Lillesand og Grimstad Lappeklubb, is having a Quilt show. 15 years since we started our group. I have made a few more things for sale but need to put in a few more stitches before taking photos.

It's a bit odd to invite you visiters from all over the world, but I really wish you could come.
Hugs from Nancy