May Britt also fell in love with this little framed quilt at My Yellow Farmhouse. I made an EQ5 pattern for her and she shared some of her Civil War fabrics with me. Do you get the point? Of cause she wantet me to make the quilt too! I desided to do 3 by 3 8 inch Stars rather than 2 by 3. I want my quilt to be a table cloth - I think.
Take care. Nancy
Your ahead of usual...Your civil war star top is beautiful. I hope I can get the next rounds togheter very soon. Hope it will be sewing weather today instead of painting weather. And as I told you........another project is on its way to you in the mail LOL LOL LOL
OH. your little quilt are so great. I think I have to make one to.;-)
Your star quilt is lovely.
Kind regards,
Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
from the Netherlands
Both your little quilt and your stitchery blocks are super cute :-)
Your civil war stars quilt is very pretty! I might have to add that to my long list of 'to dos'. I think the stitcheries are very cute, too. May has excellent taste and will not lead you astray. *s*
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