I had a wonderfull time in Birmingham. I met alot of nice quilters, visited a lot of nice shops and the exibition was wonderfull. I had a nice room in Express Holiday Inn, sharing with a nice friend, had nice dinners in Little Owl Pub next door.
Going to Birmingham I had 12 kilo suitecase (including a bag and a backpack). Returning I had 30 kilo pluss a backpack as handluggage with "some kilo of books". Oh dear, my creditcard was running hot! (Oh dear DH, please forgive me exceeding my budget!) I just had a wounderfull time.
So, what did I buy??
I bought some patterns.......
These buttons appealed to my need for more colours so I just had to have some packs. Next time I have to buy yellow and orange. Don't you agree??
And some more buttons, hooks and magntic buttons.
As a quilter you need a viarety off rulers. I discovered some new Jelly rolle rulers that I just had to have. The Creative Dimond ruler I had on my shopping list.
Talking about tools...... You never know what you need to have to do a great work when having fun doing patchwork and quilting. I had some on my list, but most of the tools just "jumped" into my shoppingbag.
I have experimented with paintsticks after buying some last year. I just had to buy more colors this year. I also found a colorfull collection of silk embroidery threads. Sorry I did not pull the threads out of plastic bag before taking the photo.
Today I have unpacked and washed some of my fabric treasues. I can't wait to start cutting and making new projets. My neigbour is very curious why my chlothline is full of pieces of fabric not recognizeble pieces of clothing. I know they think I pritty disturbed to start with due to my passion cutting nice fabrics into pieces and mending it together again. Who cares? I'm having fun!
Anyway, I love my passion - Patchwork, Quilting, Applique and Stitchery.
Hugs from Nancy in Norway
oh Nance I am so very glad you had a good time away and all your goodies look fantastic .
I cant wait to see what you make
hugs Beth
WoW! You made quite the haul from the vendors. The books, patterns, fabrics and tools are all wonderful. Glad you had a great time.
Hi Nance It looks like you did have a good time shopping you bought some wonderfull things cant wait to see what you do with it all.
Hugs Mary.
Oh man what a haul! Looks like you had fun LOL!
Det var utrolig mye fint du har fått tak i. Ja er det ikke mye man har behov for... Blir spennende å se hva du tryller fram.
Wow love the thigs you had bought.. Good luck wit all of them..
Take care!
Gotta keep those neighbors guessing :o)
You sound like and it looks like you had a good time at the FoQ!
You are soooooo lovely crazy dear. I wish I've been there with you.
Takk for sist og velkommen heim, Nancy. Du har fått fatt i mye lekkert og alt et quiltehjerte måtte begjære.
Min koffert "vokste" bare 5 kg så jeg ser jeg har mye å lære her.
Gleder meg til å følge med fortsettelsen...
Helt fornøyelig og se hva du har fått tak i. Dette er riktig bra høst"snacks" - kunne ikke bli bedre.
WOW - you got some wonderful things! Glad you had fun! =)
Oh Nancy, what a fun you must have had on the other side of the big pond ;-))
Velkommen hjem! Her var det mye spennende!
Velkommen hjem igjen, så utrolig FLINK du har vært til å handle de rette tingene, kan ikke se at det er en unødvendig duppesings eller stoff her nei. Nå kan du kose deg med alle innkjøpene og jeg er helt sikker på at din kjære forstår at busdjettsprekken bare måtte til. Han har egentlig bedt om den ved at han sendte med deg et kredittkort uten øvre sperregrense:-)). Og en ting til, du rapporterte jo budsjettsprekken med engang du kom hjem slik at han får ingen overraskelse når regninga kommer.
Skal sei det var mye handel,ikke rart koffrten var tung og bankkortet glovarmt.Må vel ta oss en tur bortover og kikke på herligheta.
Klem fra Mamma
Okei, så får jeg passe meg om jeg noen gang kommer et slikt sted, - tror jeg skal gjemme kortet,jeg!
Har lagt ut awarder i bloggen til deg, sammen med takk for oppmuntrende kommentar/er i sommer!
Sannelig var det mye lekkert å se! Tror nok at du har hatt noen fine dager der borte. Skulle gjerne vært der jeg også, men kanskje det var lurt å holde seg heime :-)
Gleder meg til å se hva du tryller fram av alt det fine.
Mye fint du har kjøpt! Spennende å se hva du lager, kanskje det blir et kurs ut av det?
Woow!Det ser da virkelig ut som om du har hatt en fin tur. Måtter du gå til innkjøp av ny koffert også kanskje? Du har i alle fall nok å ta av i høst :)
ÅÅÅÅ så mye flott og spennende :-))
Det frister med en slik tur.... Må visst tenke på det til neste år.
A festival of shopping........lots of wonderful goodies here..........enjoy.........
Imponerende shopping. Nå går du ikke tom for prosjekter i vinter ihvertfall!
Klem fra Sol
I'm going to show my husband what you bought at the NEC and then he will be happier with me!! Good shopping!
Did you see my stand there??
So glad you had a great time! And I say you you made a great haul from the vendors. Everything looked wonderful that you bought.
Can't wait to see what you make with all your goodies. Makes me anxious now for Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in the States in February!
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